DAKE TRAPHAGEN – Spruce and Indian – 1988



1988, USA.  Solid spruce soundboard with 7 fan braces, Indian rosewood back and sides, John Gilbert style pin bridge, 650 mm scale, 53 mm nut width, 44 mm string spacing at the nut, Schaller tuners, fret marker at VII.  Dake Traphagen had been building great guitars long before I came across him nearly 40 years ago in 1986.  His website is worth visiting to learn about his development, and practices in creating fine instruments with hand tools.  This guitar clearly demonstrates the structural integrity that can be created by a master luthier.  The neck is straight, and the soundboard shows only the barest hint of deflection around the bridge.  No cracks or seam separation, and it takes a second look to discern the very minimal fret wear.  The fretboard leaves plenty of room outside the 1st string, so there is no chance of dragging the string over the edge.  Now, for the best part:  the sound is crystal clear and balanced, with distinct note separation.  Lengthy sustain with plenty of volume.  The well aged soundboard has developed over time to produce a first-class bright and lively tone, with a unique personality.  Currently set up with low action.  Not for the heavy handed player.  With its immediacy of attack, this responsive instrument does not need a heavy hand to deliver its full potential.  Numerous fingernail marks near the 1st string, and behind the bridge.  Other signs of use, but no damage.


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